Every medical drug, product, or procedure needs to be thoroughly tested before it is used on the general public. But what are you testing for: To see if it works? or to see if it does harm?
Ten years ago, in a hospital in London England a drug company conducted a clinical trial. That trial went horribly wrong. The lessons learned from that event have informed every pharmaceutical trial since then. We will hear from one of the men who took that experimental drug.
We will also look to history — and uncover the origin of the first ever clinical trial. It was conducted on a sailing ship in the middle of the ocean. The lessons learned from that experiment saved thousands of lives over the next century.
And lastly we will look at what SciMar is currently testing and consider the long ranging impact those trials might have.
These science stories from history help shed light on the modern research being done on Type 2 Diabetes. Specifically, we highlight the work of SciMar as they examine the hormone hepatalin and the effect it has on glucose levels in people who are living with type 2 diabetes. www.SciMar.ca