When we tell science stories they usually have a long complicated build up, and finish with someone yelling Eureka. But is Eureka really the end? What if we look at it as the beginning? Or the middle?
In this first episode, we meet Archimedes – a brilliant scientist from ancient Greece that is credited with the first use of the word “Eureka!” And we also travel to England for the story of Alexander Fleming and the discovery of penicillin. Lastly we meet Dr Wayne Lautt and hear about his Eureka moment.
The series is hosted by Dan Riskin. He is formerly the host of Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet and also a contributor to The Nature of Things on CBC. Dan is also a highly regarded scientist in his own right.
These science stories from history help shed light on the modern research being done on Type 2 Diabetes. Specifically, we highlight the work of SciMar as they examine the hormone HISS and the effect it has on glucose levels in people who are insulin resistant. www.SciMar.ca